
Welcome to our news page! Here, we keep you updated on the latest developments, announcements, and insights from Moshman Research. Stay tuned for exciting updates on our projects, services, and team members.

Nathan Moshman presents keynote talk on Shape Optimization for Wildfire Suppression UAV platform at Ansys Level Up Conference

Ansys and Microsoft Azure Highlight Moshman Research Case Study

New Publication in Collaboration with the University of Oxford

Clean Hydropower System Testing in Alaska

Moshman Research appointed to Industry Advisory Board for Hypersonics Consortium

Moshman Research presents Conference Publication at 2021 AIAA Aviation Forum

Moshman Research will be Hydrodynamics Lead on ARPA-e funded research

Moshman Research teams up on ARPA-E funded Hydrokinetic Turbine Development Proposal for River Power

Moshman Research Designs Covid-19 Breathalyzer with Novel Bioaerosol Sorter

Nathan Moshman gives Tech Talk at AFIT